WARNING - ADULT MATERIAL AHEAD... Continue at your own risk...
This might get a little uncomfortable... [honest, straightforward discussions often do...]
Many people are against homosexuals because they don't like what homosexuals do behind closed doors. People assume that homosexuals are out doing all sorts of homosexual acts all of the time.
Well, let me go a couple of places with this... first of all, most people struggle to find intimacy. Gay and straight people both probably wish that they were held more, kissed more, etc. Especially as we get busy in life and as we grow older, intimacy is hard to find. There are lots of lonely people out there in the world, more than you might think.
So it is unfair to think that gay people are out having sex all the time. They struggle with intimacy just like all the rest of us.
Now back to the idea that you might not like what they do behind closed doors. [as if that were our business] Well friends, I know heterosexual people that do things behind closed doors that I would not do. They do things that I find to be gross and repulsive. But I don't hate them for that.
I dated girls in high school and college who did things and wanted to do things that I did not. I might have stopped dating them, but I did not hate them for what they wanted to do.
There is plenty of behavior that we are uncomfortable with on both sides of the aisle. Don't use it to hate someone. Don't use anything to hate someone...
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
Send replies to jsbrink57@gmail.com
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