Monday, June 19, 2023


I heard a very good sermon the other day by Rev. Daniel Hilty.  The core of his message was this... "we don't need the permission of others to love like Jesus loved."

I think that what he was driving at was the effects of peer pressure.  Maybe we have friends, family or coworkers that don't like a certain group of people.  In such a situation, there would be pressure on us to join in their distain of said group.  At least we would not feel comfortable to be nice to the folks that our friends, family or coworkers didn't like.

To this, the message was "rubbish."

We are people of love.  We know that we are to love.  We want to love.  There is no reason for us not to love.  We don't need anybody's permission to love others.

Just do it.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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