Saturday, June 24, 2023

No * allowed

Today I am beginning a five part series on what I believe regarding Christianity and homosexuality.

As you may know, many people and many churches are leaving the United Methodist Church.  That is because the United Methodist Church is normalizing the acceptance of homosexuals.  The United Methodist Church is accepting and welcoming them.  Hmm - isn't that what Jesus did?

Missouri lost 10% of it's churches this year.  Some Annual Conferences in the south lost 50% of their churches.  So in the future, you will be able to attend United Methodist Churches where gays are welcome and accepted, and you can attend former United Methodist Churches who still use the asterisk.

The asterisk in this case denotes the idea that "we love you, but."  "we love you, except that you need to change."  "we love you except you are gay."  We love you*

Jesus had no asterisk on his love.  True Christianity has no asterisk on it's love.  It is time that we follow the example of Jesus and just love people.  All people.  No * allowed in my faith.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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