Friday, August 4, 2023

Revel in the ordinary

During my convalescence from knee surgery, I have struggled with one ordinary, mundane day after another:  Sit in a chair.  Watch TV.  Keep your knee elevated.  Ice.  Repeat.  Exercise.  UGH.

I ran across this prayer that I thought was interesting.  It is a letter or a prayer to a normal, ordinary, mundane day.

Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure that you are.   Let me learn from you, love you, and bless you before you depart.  Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow.  Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so.  One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, for your return.                                             Mary Jean Iron

Perspective is a beautiful teacher.  I guess an ordinary day is ok after all.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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I am leading a trip to Ireland October 15-24, 2024.
click here for the brochure
If you have questions, feel free to email me at

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