Thursday, March 7, 2024


A friend called.  They were frustrated.  In a bad mood.  Not sure why.  Lots of little things.  I listened.  Sometimes people just want you to listen, they don't want you to try and solve their issues.

But in case you are reading this and you want help in a similar situation, here is my advice.

I know that problems/issues/challenges can come in like a flood.  They can get all clouded up together.  The emotions in such situations can be overwhelming.

1.  Make a list of the issues.  Be specific.

2.  Pick one of them to work on.  Work on it until it is resolved.  Don't worry about the rest, they will be waiting for you when you get back for the next task.

3.  Pick the next task and work on it until it is done.  Repeat.

Using this method, breaks the cloudy frustrated feeling, because now I have a plan.  Now I am taking action.  I have direction.

Using this method usually changes my attitude as well, because I can see results.  I can see the list go from 7 to 6.  Then to 5 and 4.

Pretty soon, things are better.  Wait a minute, it's stopped raining, guys are swimming, guys are sailing, playing baseball, gee that's better...

And so . . . It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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I am leading a trip to Ireland October 15-24, 2024.
click here for the brochure

If you have questions, feel free to email me at

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