Monday, February 25, 2019

Learning to dance

From my friend Pat...

When I was about 14, I went to my first junior high dance. Remember that? Girls on one side, boys on the other. Everyone wanting to dance, or at least talk to someone from “the other side”; mustering courage in the face of rejection.

I didn’t now how to dance: what I didn’t know is that no one else did either. Later in life, when I chaperoned these events, I was reminded of watching worms in hot ashes: lots of motion, not much direction.

Fear of rejection haunts all of us. None of us really know how to do life when we start. Others (your parents, and so on) can tell you, but you have to learn to dance on your own. And if you never take a chance, you will never experience the joy of failure or success at dancing.

Christianity is that way. Its a way of life. Everyone at your church except you seems to “get it”. They do Sunday school, men’s groups, women’s groups, accountability groups, quote the Bible, and so on. You? You’re just there on your side of the gym.

So the question is will you venture across the basket ball court and take a chance: will you give yourself and your treasure away to others?, will you forgive?, will you accept the unfamiliar?, will you love, whether you’re loved back or not? Just remember. No matter what it seems, no one else knows how to do this perfectly either.

Its all scary, but if you want to dance, you have to take a chance.

Think on it.

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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I am leading some trips this year and next. If you are interested in reading about them, or joining in, the links are below.....

Paris-Normandy River Cruise
October 23-31, 2019

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