Sunday, December 24, 2023

Memories of Christmas Eve

Memories of Christmas Eve

Christmas Play at church -Zion Lutheran, 75th and Belinder St.

bags of candy given out at church.

Cookies and Milk for Santa.

Being sent to bed when we were not tired.

Playing Monopoly with my sisters at 3am.

The purple stingray bicycle.  Hotwheel cars.  The vibrating football field.  White socks and underwear.

Then, later as an adult...

Worship services on Christmas Eve... lots of them.

Sneaking in a visit to Jerry and Dorothy Hedrick's open house in between services.

One year it was so cold that the doors would not lock.  Ephraim Rivers and I had to find a lock and chain to secure the doors after the last service at midnight.

Putting together bicycles.

Hiding presents for a scavenger hunt.

Egg Nog.

Reading the night before Christmas to the kids.

Stu and Bruce coming over for a little bit of Crown and Drambuie at midnight after the last service.

Laughing and loving.

Feeling the joy of the season.

Being thankful...

Dear friends, may you, on this very special day, remember with joy all of the great things that you have experienced through the years.  May you on this day, make new memories of care and compassion.  May you find a way to put the "Merry" into Christmas this year.

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