Thursday, December 7, 2023


I have lots of handyman clients in Florida.  Among my favorites are Bill and Sharon Murphy.  Some weeks ago, they were trying to reach me.  They were unsuccessful.  Their calls went to voicemail and their texts went unanswered.

So they were out to dinner with friends, also clients of mine [and also great people].  TheMurphys expressed their concern to their friends that I was not answering their calls.  Had they offended me?  Did I not like them anymore?

Coincidentally, I had been working at the friends house a few days prior.  The friends reached out to me.  "Jeff, the Murphys are trying to reach you, but their calls are going unanswered."

I was out at a restaurant, but I went outside and called the Murphys.  I had no idea that they were trying to reach me.  I had received no calls or texts.

I did some research.  I had accidentally blocked the Murphys on my phone.  I felt terrible!!!  Now it is kind of a joke between us.  But if you aren't getting through to someone who is important to you, drop a note in the mail or have a friend call them.  You may have accidentally been blocked!

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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I am leading a trip to Ireland October 15-24, 2024.
click here for the brochure

If you have questions, feel free to email me at  

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