Friday, January 11, 2013

fog lifting

Do you ever feel that life is a bit foggy?  Discouragement can easily take root in our lives.  If you feel this way from time to time, you are not alone as I have felt some of it lately.  Not sure why, my problems are the same as they always were, but for some reason, I have been going thru a rough patch.  We all have holes in our lives and we all try to patch them.  Sometimes the patches are rough.

When I find one of these spells, I am so appreciative of those of you that encourage me, and for Lion's Den Man who takes over writing.

Today I am glad to report that the fog seems to be lifting.  Nothing has changed, same problems as ever, but the fog is lifting and the joy is returning.  Seeing the good takes constant vigilance.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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