Sunday, December 1, 2013

What would Jesus do?

Judgment or welcome?  Which do you choose?  I am often asked, "if Jesus loved everyone and welcomed sinners, why do so many churches push people away with judgment?"

It is a very good question.  I don't know why.  The only people that Jesus squared off with were the Pharisees.  Everyone else, he welcomed.

In my opinion, churches should focus less on judgment and more on welcome.  On, loving people instead of trying to straighten them out.  It is the job of the Holy Spirit to straighten people out.

Life is too good and too short.  Give to others what you want Jesus to give to you- open arms, a loving heart and a sincere welcome.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, as usual you are right on the mark. And at WCC we all have to step up to the plate right away, if we're not there, to prove what that beautiful little girls on our Christmas promotion says: "Naughty or nice, all are welcome,"

I loved the news story this week about a bishop or a priest who posed as a homeless person at church. Several people asked him to leave and some treated him respectfully.

Life is just a series of daily choices. Good post Jeff.