Saturday, May 28, 2016

The electrical outlet

I noticed that there was a broken electrical outlet in the house. I did not tell anyone about it. I just bought a new one and installed it. I thought, “someone might put this on facebook.” Oh, look, I changed an outlet! Oh, look , my grandkid changed an outlet!

I won’t post it. Sometimes you just do what is right without attracting attention to what you did. In fact, when we attract attention to some good thing that we did, it tends to take away from the joy and goodness of the action.

The right thing to do is just the right thing to do, whether anyone knows about it or not. The sense of having done the right things is a reward in itself.

Here is a side bar, and another problem with calling attention to yourself……. Sometimes we think we are on it, when we have missed it. So I replaced the outlet, but I did not notice that it was white and I replaced it with a beige one…. So there is nothing here to brag about. I will have to replace it again!!!!!!! Ha ha.

It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.

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