Saturday, July 20, 2019

Being there

To be there for another person when they need you is indeed a holy thing. 

I think back on many times that I was not there for someone.  Maybe I was overbooked.  Maybe I wasn't paying attention.  Sometimes circumstances made it difficult for me to be there.  Sometimes I didn't know until it was too late. 

Over the past few years I have grieved not being there for former parishoners.  But friends, I can't be there like I used to be.  Your pastor is Robyn, your pastor is Chuck.  But I do love you and hug you from afar.

Back to being there.  I have been thinking lately about my Dad's funeral visitation.  It was from 5-7pm at Mt. Moriah at 105th and Holmes.  I remember standing up in the front by Dad's casket.  It was probably 4:45 and the first people started to come.

It's pretty emotional when you say goodbye to your last parent.

Here came my friends through the back door and up the isle to give me a hug.
Darren Evans
Robin Fisher
Bruce Letner
Doug Hawley
many others.

I will never forget the feeling of watching my friends show up.  Being there is such a good thing.
May we all be there for one another as much as possible.

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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I am leading a trip to Ireland next year. If you are interested in reading about it, or joining in, the link is below.....

Treasures of Ireland
July 13-22, 2020

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