Wednesday, July 31, 2019

preaching dates

When I served the church full time, it felt like Sunday came three times per week.  Every Sunday you had to have something to say, and it better be good, and it better be fresh.  No reruns allowed!

Because of this pressure, I started taking annual retreats to the redwoods.  I would devour some books and try to come up with new ideas to take back to the congregation.  One of the bad things about living in Florida is that the redwoods are much farther away... but so are my opportunities to preach.

I am thankful to Pastor Tim for allowing me to fill in for him from time to time.  I had the last Sunday in June and the last Sunday in July, and now I will have the last Sunday in August.  I am excited for the opportunity to talk to the folks.

What once seemed like high pressure and a burden, now is something that I look forward to. 

There may be many things in life that feel difficult to us now, but how would we feel if  we lost those things?  Take a good look at the burdens that you carry... there may be some good inside of them as well.

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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I am leading a trip to Ireland next year. If you are interested in reading about it, or joining in, the link is below.....

Treasures of Ireland
July 13-22, 2020

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