Sunday, August 9, 2020

Faith over Fear

Most of this came from a long time friend...

I used to be fearful of EVERYTHING. At one point in life, panic disorder overtook my mind and I couldn't work, drive, go to the grocery, a restaurant etc... It almost ruined my marriage for the first five years. When we were supposed to be young and carefree, I was knotted in a ball and afraid of the world.

Then slowly my mind began to change. I began to learn that God was a God of grace.

Today, I am free from anxiety. The peace that comes from the freedom of anxiety, worry, and fear is the greatest feeling I've ever encountered. Peace that comes from GRACE! Grace that I learned over the last 20 years.

Now, when I'm met with uncertainty like today (need full time work, need to pay off bills, need the world to heal from racial challenges and COVID), I breathe deep knowing that God is love and grace.

When I feared God, I feared life. When I came to realize that God loved me, I began to love life.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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