Tuesday, December 3, 2013

ten reasons

I read a couple of articles the other day on the internet about managing money.  I thought they were wonderful.  They were like, Ten reasons why you will never be rich......

Here are some of the highlights, and I added some of my own:
  • you spend money like you are already rich.
  • you don't have a plan.
  • you don't have an emergency fund set up.
  • you don't save.
  • you started to save too late.
  • you neglected retirement.
  • you sacrificed tomorrow for today.
  • you did not invest in an education that will put you into a good job.
  • you have too much debt.
  • you pay too many fees.
  • you are easily influenced.
  • you have no budget.
  • you don't pay attention to the budget that you have.
  • you don't track expenses.
  • you don't balance your account each month.
  • you don't save via automatic withdrawals.
  • you buy high and sell low.
  • you buy everything new.
  • you think you deserve the best.
  • you try to keep up with the Jones'
  • you are living a life of consumption rather than generosity.
  • you try to retire too early.
  • you have no sense of urgency.
  • you would rather complain than commit to change.

Here are the links if you want to read it all.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

What a great commentary on the times we live in. Thanks for always not being afraid to be candid.

Dave Templeman said...

You aren't satisfied with what you already have.

You believe things make you important.

You mask pain with stuff.