Monday, July 6, 2020

Again, it all boils down to love and only love

From my friend Pat...

Did you ever read anything by the prophet Amos? He was the first prophet to emphasize social justice and compassion. He wrote in an era shortly before Israel, the northern kingdom of Jews, was destroyed by the Assyrians: punishment for their refusal to listen to Amos’s message.

Prior Jewish religious emphasis was on privilege to be in a relationship with Yahweh. Amos taught that it was a responsibility. The Jewish covenant with God meant all Jews had to be treated well, not just some. Not surprisingly, most Jews declined to follow Amos, opting instead for a ritual, a routine praise of God. Ritual is a less demanding form of religious observance than integrating the message into your daily existence. The religion of compassion is still followed only by a minority; most religious people are content with decorous worship of their weekly service.

“What God wants is love, not sacrifice. Love may require sacrifice, but the goal is love, not deprivation.“

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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