Friday, July 17, 2020

thoughts on prayer

Prayer is not about us getting what we want.  We must stop thinking of God as Santa Clause.  We also need to get over the idea that if enough Facebook friends pray for a thing, then God is obligated to do it.  Prayer is not about getting what we want.

Prayer is instead about eradicating selfishness.  It is about us allowing God to find the depths of our heart and soul so that we can change.  Prayer is about changing us.  True prayer gets us off of our high horse and helps us to see the other side.  The other side of politics, the other side of religion, the other side of everything.  True prayer teaches us a sense of compassion for all people.  But this can only happen when selfishness is diminished.

Dear God, how can I get myself out of the way so that I can have a heart of compassion for all?  How can I get myself out of the way so that I can be your hands and feet?

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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