Wednesday, July 8, 2020

looking for the soul

A few weeks ago I posted about making a sandwich for a one armed man.  My friend Donna sent this in...

Beautiful..... I can relate to your feeling that this was a holy experience. When I volunteered at Research Hospital many years ago, I was occasionally asked to feed patients who were unable to manage feeding themselves. I loved doing it, and it always humbled me. One elderly lady looked at me with such love in her eyes. She was unable to speak, but she tenderly reached up and patted my cheeks with her hands. No words, just love and heartfelt appreciation. Beautiful. Sacred. Never to be forgotten moments in an otherwise ordinary day.....

Her story reminded me of how the eyes are or can be the window to the soul.  Just take a little time and look into the eyes of another person.  When we really do, we can read them.  If you look into someone's eyes long enough, you can see what ever is there... fear, worry, joy or love.  It is uncanny how this works.

It is not that we have a soul, we are a soul.  Here's to looking for the soul in others.
May we all live more soulful lives.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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