Thursday, February 16, 2023

Hatred is a weight

The natural state of the human heart is happiness. But because of our upbringing, because of our programming, our lives can get filled with negativity. Negativity and selfishness hold us down and hold us back from our God designed purpose. Sometimes hatred blinds us and prevents us from listening to our hearts.

I believe that there is within us, a goodness, and we know that it is down there, but it can’t rise to the top because we’re so angry or hurt, or seized upon by negativity.

Oh, for the moments when we can let the negativity go so we can drop the anger and hatred. That is when the love will rise to the top. That is when we can enjoy the wholeness that we were created to experience.  That is when we can find freedom and joy. 

Try it. Release yourself from your anger. Let the thing go. See if your heart doesn't rise a little bit higher.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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