Wednesday, February 22, 2023


I was mad.  MAD!!!

I needed gas.  My car was down to 25 miles to empty.  Now my car needs premium these days because otherwise it runs like a dog.  I buy the premium gas at Sams because it is significantly less expensive than the other stations.

I also go there early to avoid the lines and crowds.

I woke up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head.  I jumped into the car and headed to Sams gas station.  The pumps were open.  I pulled up to one.  I hopped out, grabbed my wallet and then realized that my Sams card was at home.

Before my recent trip, I had taken out all of the extra cards, not needed in Israel.  No card.  I drove eight miles for nothing.  I was mad!!!

Who was I mad at?  I wanted to blame someone.  My wife?  You???  I wanted to blame someone else but then I realized that the only person to blame was me myself.  

Sometimes in life we just have to take responsibility for what’s happening and stop trying to blame others. I forgot. It was my fault. But I finally went home, got the card, and gassed up. Now I’m happy.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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