Tuesday, July 18, 2017

That's the way I feel about you

Early in 2004 I got an anonymous hate letter from a member of the congregation.  One of the lines in it said, "if your preaching ever had any significance, it is totally gone now."  Church folks can be so nice sometimes.  Receiving that letter crushed me.  I remember sobbing and sobbing.  I looked for a counselor.

I was fortunate to find a wonderful counselor who I went to see for the next few years.   A year after Katrina hit, she left KC and moved to New Orleans to help people there.  Losing her as a support piece in my life was pretty tough, but she helped me so very much.  We never had lunch or anything, but we had become friends.

At our last meeting, she gave me a copy of this song.  It brought me to tears.  From time to time I think of those whom I love that I don't get to see very often.  I think of people who I looked out and saw in the pews every Sunday.

I think of how much I love you and miss you.

Here is the link to the song.
That's the way I feel about you by Jana Stanfield

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Unknown said...

I hope you have prayed for that hate letter writer, who must be a miserable person. I find that miserable people often don't know how to stop being miserable. So they try to make you miserable so they have company. I am sorry you went through that. But maybe it made you a stronger person?

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeff ... In the midst of the pain that one person caused by their opinion, I want you to know that your preaching, from the very first time I heard you, has had more significance in my life than anyone ever. Just last night, I cried in my pillow wishing I could find someone (a pastor) in LS who speaks to me like you did. Not preachy voice, but real, meaningful words that apply to my life. While I was not in the pews every week, every week that I was, your words went straight to my heart and I try to live by them. You changed my life and how I treat people and my ability to forgive and let stuff go. So thank you. I miss you.

Unknown said...

i listened to this several times n it "fits" so to u from J J - back at ya (PS like this new artist to me)