Monday, March 26, 2012

Kids and TV

Last night I scored a huge victory.  Dad 1 – Kids 0.  I have watched my kids watch TV for years.  They love MTV, they love Friends, they love Scrubs and NCIS and some legal show.  I cannot get them to watch the news and they make fun of me for watching the history and discovery channels.  For shame.

Well, last night we made a huge break thru.  I caught them enthralled with a show on Animal Planet.  My kids are watching a documentary.  Polar bears. Seals.  Killer whales.  Penguins.  Wolves and buffaloes.  They are glued to the set.  I just sit there and watch them watch.  It is wonderful and it is amazing.

My Dad had an old saying, “The mills of the Gods grind slow, but they grind exceedingly fine.”

It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

Been watching the same show and have seriously considered purchasing it from the Discovery Channel. Not sure how many more weeks it's scheduled to run, but it's a good one. I'm sure they actually enjoyed it too.


Anonymous said...

Indeed they do! Great story!