Wednesday, April 2, 2014

what does that say?

Before I begin, let me say that yesterday was April Fools Day.  I hope none of you were fooled by my post.  I am not closing the blog.

Now on with today's post:

People who really want to live life to the fullest are thinking people.  They experience a thing not simply as joyful or painful, but they experience a think and ask the question- what does that say to me?  What can I learn from this beautiful thing?  What can I learn from this moment of suffering? 

In a time of conflict healthy people don't just want to run.   They don't just blame the other person.  They learn to open their hearts and look for their burden to bear.  They look for their complicity in a situation.  They face the moment and learn from the pain.

What does that thing say to me?

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Irene said...

Glad to see your post this am - I was hoping that was an April Fools joke!!