Thursday, April 25, 2019

Let's see what comes of it

From my friend Pat...

I saw a blurb about an event in the West Virginia Legislature where some folks were labeling all Muslems terrorists and advocating their eradication. I couldn’t help but think of Gamaliel. You remember him, famous guy in the Book of Acts. No, well, he probably demonstrated more political savvy than most folks in the Bible, save the Good Lord.

Gamaliel was a religious expert who had access to the high counsel. After Pentecost, when the disciples were teaching in Jerusalem, they were arrested, several times, and brought before the religious high counsel. Most of the leaders were really angry as the disciples had repeatedly ignored their instructions to stop preaching and wanted to execute Peter and the gang.

But Gamaliel, deferred a hot headed decision and advised that the leadership withdraw for a private discussion about what should be done. After tempers cooled, he gave the religious leadership a no loose proposition. Leave the disciples alone. If they’re wrong about their claims, history shows that their followers will drift away and their movement will collapse. But if they’re right, you, religious leaders of Jerusalem will be fighting against God's purpose. Who wants to be on the wrong side of that fight? He made it an easy choice.

Better decisions usually come after cool reflection, rather than in the heat of the moment. And maybe, we’re all still in the heat of the moment after 9/11.

If God Chose Islam to reach some people, do you really want to be fighting God?

And if He didn’t, he still made those folks in His image too.
I expect that God will be real interested in how we treat them even if they’re wrong.

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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I am leading some trips this year and next. If you are interested in reading about them, or joining in, the links are below.....

Paris-Normandy River Cruise
October 23-31, 2019

Holy Land Trip leaving January 20, 2020 $2998 from New York

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