Monday, June 8, 2020

a different kind of Christianity

I wish for a Christianity that was based on love, not fear.  Where love was valued over doctrine and dogma.  Where leaders stopped using fear tactics to get people to comply.

I wish for a Christianity where pastors stop yelling at congregations.  Where pastors are no longer seen as up on a pedestal or better than.  Jesus was among the people... he was one of them.

I long for a Christianity that focuses on grace and welcome.  No pressure, no judgement, no rejection, just kindness and a warm embrace.

I reject forms of faith that hurt others.  It is time for hurting others in the name of God to stop.  The Christian faith is a beautiful thing when love is allowed to rise to the top.

I can't, you can't do anything about your friends or family attending guilt laden churches.  We can't do anything about the judgmental churches.  We can't do anything about those Christians who are hurting people in the name of God.

But we can do something about us.  I am the only person that I can do anything about.  I am 100% committed to striving for love and kindness.  I don't have time for judgement, shame or guilt- no one should.

I invite you to join me in the quest for Christianity that is based on love alone.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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