Sunday, June 14, 2020

Jesus forgave sins

When we think of Jesus forgiving sins, we usually think of him dying on the cross.  But Jesus forgave sins well before that.

In Mark chapter 2, early in his ministry, he tells a paralyzed man, "your sins are forgiven."  In Luke 7 he forgives a "sinful" woman.  On the cross he says, "Father forgive them."

So yes Jesus forgave sins.

But I want to suggest to you that Jesus forgave sins, even when he was not saying to people the phrase "your sins are forgiven." Jesus forgave sins by treating people with respect and love even though they were sinners.

18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’ 19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.”  Mt 11:18-19

Jesus ran with sinners, but he treated them like people. He did not judge them, he did not see their sin, he saw them as valued people, loved by God.

He forgave their sins by how he treated them.

We friends, can do the same. Instead of seeing the shortcomings and sins of others, we can just see them as people.  

Oh what a joyful thing to forgive someone else. What a happy thought to not even see their sins.

Isn't that what we would want for ourselves?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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