Monday, September 28, 2020

Good News


I am so tired of bad news.  I am so tired of ABC, CBS, NBC and all the rest.  Shootings.  Murders.  Abuse of power.  Terrorists.  Bad Politicians.  Protests.  Looting.  Covid 19.  Is there only bad news?  Are our brains only to be filled with angst?

How about some good news.  It is all around us if we look.  

A new baby was born.  Friends got to have dinner together.  Someone loves someone.  Dick fed homeless people.  Someone was generous.  People were grateful.  Friends came over to visit.  Many people are not sick.  There is water at the sink.  The water is clean.  There is a roof over my head.  I have love in my heart.  Some people love me.  I get to go to the dentist.  I can see.  I can hear.  I own a car.  It starts and runs.  A woman saved her husband from a shark attack.  

I love you.

There is lots of good news in this world if we just focus on it.  It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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