Saturday, March 1, 2014

oil change

Friday is my day off.  I took the car to get an oil change.  I knew immediately that something was wrong.  I pulled into the driveway at the garage and no one came out to talk to me.  I waited and waited.  Finally a grouchy young man came out and I told him I wanted an oil change.

He said to leave the car lined up in front of the garage and go inside.  Inside I waited for 15 minutes for someone to take my name and order.  I watched them work.  All three employees were angry about something.  They worked slowly and there was no sense of them working together.  They did not appear to like each other.

I went and got a sandwich.  When I came back, the manager took my money and we talked.  One of his employees had called in sick.  One of them left early.  Corporate had issued a groupon and they were slammed with work. 

By the time I got done listening to him, I felt differently about the place.  They were doing the best that they could with a very short staff.  They were working under great pressure and it affected them. I felt sorry for them. 

There is usually  another side to what ever story we are working on.  If there is someone that you are upset with or tired of, give them some grace.  Who knows what is really going on in their garage.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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