I am captivated by the idea that we are largely unaware of the results of our actions. We just don't pay very much attention to the outcome of what we do. Blindly we go along, living our days, thinking mostly about what comes to us and thinking very little about what goes out to others.
This can be painfully difficult to those who live with selfish people, and joyfully wonderful to those who live with grace filled people. I am going to skip the results of negative living and speak on the positive.
Those who go about doing good in this life, have no idea of the size of their impact. A friend got her annual review the other day. It was smashingly good. I was not surprised. Over and over, peers had written in about the positive affect that this person had on the work place.
Good people go about doing good. Without fanfare, without rewards, without instructions. They entertain angels without being aware of it. They feed and clothe the least of these and are largely blind to the massive levels of joy that they leave behind. Their good is measured in ways that they can't even fathom. The righteous are self-unaware.
I love thinking about this. Imagine being so used to doing good that you just did it and didn't notice. It was just such a part of you that it did not register with your brain that you were being amazingly kind. Just the thought of living like this brings a smile to my face.
How is your life influencing others? You have more power than you know.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.