Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.  Let me say a word about truth:  Jesus is the truth.  No longer a man in a human body, Jesus is Spirit, he is God, he is truth.

So, if I find a truth in my denomination, Jesus is there.  If I find a truth in your denomination, Jesus is there.  If I find a truth in creation, Jesus is there.  If I find a truth in a denomination that I don't particularly like, then Jesus is there too.  Where ever truth is, Jesus is, because he is the truth.

"A person who is a good and true Christian should realize that truth belongs to his Lord, wherever it is found, gathering and acknowledging it even in pagan literature."  St.  Augustine

Paul the Apostle read secular books and acknowledged the truth in them.  He was familiar with Greek poets and philosophers and quoted them in Acts 17 in his speech on Mars Hill.

Jesus is the truth.  Where ever you find it.  He is there.  He is bigger than my brain, bigger than our church and bigger than our ideas about him.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post. You're good Jeff, so I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on how people are to discern when a truth is true. I know Jesus is Truth, but when you find what seems to be a truth, how do you know it is true?
