Monday, September 12, 2016


One of these days my children are going to learn how to paint.  I know that I did not have children simply so that I could paint for them.

I remember when Jenny was in middle school she wanted her room to be painted pink and hot blue.  Oh my!  But I did it.  When she was in high school, of course she wanted the pink gone.  I think it took 18 coats of antique white to cover up the pink and blue.

After college, I painted her apartment, and then when she moved out, I painted it back the way it had been before.  Last weekend, I got to do something that was really rewarding.  On Saturday, I got to paint in her home.  Yes, in her very own home.  The old guy on the ladder may look old, but he is happy that he is painting something that his kid owns instead of another apartment.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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