Saturday, October 7, 2017


We all have our pet peeves.  Things that bother us.  I don’t like to be around drivers who speed.  I am not a fan of pretentiousness.  But one of my big ones is this- I don’t like to waste food.  Maybe this is because my parents grew up in the depression and we never wasted anything.  If we had leftovers, we ate them until they were gone.  When I was a kid we ate bread by itself, cheese sandwiches and baloney.  Lots of baloney.  Nothing was wasted, ever.  I bet that our garbage disposal [if we even had one] was never used once by my mother.

It is also possible that I don’t like wasting food because I have seen truly hungry people.  I have met people who wish that they could eat ¼ of what we eat in a day.  I have seen children cry because they were hungry.  We used to tell our kids that there are starving children in Africa.  They would say, then send the food to them.

I saw this billboard in San Francisco.  It is so true.  We Americans waste so much food.  When a person has so much, they begin to take what they have for granted.  Please don’t waste food.  I used to know a guy who owned a restaurant and at the end of the day he would take extra food down to the homeless folks.  I loved that.

Think about it.  Keep less food around.  Eat everything that you take.  You will save money that you can use to help others.

It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the food.

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Italy's Historic and Religious Sites

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Holy Land via Jordan

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