Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Power of a Hug

From my friend Sherry...

I remember walking into the common area near our church library one Sunday morning and there stood a church member with a sign that said “free hugs.”  The spirit in our church that morning just kind of lit up as people stopped to get a free hug.

I’ve thought many times lately about a Carnegie Mellon study a few years ago that said there are indications that a hug can actually help people feel better, and maybe enjoy better health.  There were indications that it could even reduce the symptoms of a common cold.  I have also read studies that say that people who live alone, especially the elderly just thrive better if family members remember to hug them.

If newborn babies thrive on being hugged, and the elderly who live alone need hugs, then maybe we’d better think about the benefits for these and all the ages in between.  Hugs cost us nothing, and when extended along with a genuine smile and caring words can lift a person’s spirits.

We have recently had someone in our family who went through a health crisis.  While they were on the mend, and I was wondering how I could help encourage them in feeling better physically and mentally, God just seemed to make me aware of the power of a hug.  I’ve been trying it, and guess what.  It’s making the person feel more secure and experience a stronger sense of well-being.

Not to preach at you or anything, but this is a bit of encouragement to find someone in your daily walk of life who could use a hug, and watch the results.  Hugs may even speak louder than words.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
Send replies to jsbrink57@gmail.com

Travel with Pastor Jeff

Italy's Historic and Religious Sites
November 7-16, 2017

Holy Land via Jordan
March 5-14 2018

Wesley's Ireland
October 8-17, 2018

1 comment:

Unknown said...

very true---miss yours'