Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Do we really want to learn?

 So I was sitting in my office at church the other day and my eyes fell onto the shelf which holds my favorite books.

  • Illusions by Richard Bach
  • Walking on Water by Anthony DeMello
  • The Orthodox Heretic by Peter Rollins
  • The Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell

I thought of how many times I recommended these books to people.  I thought of how many of these books I had given to people.

Many went unread.  I think that many people, many pastors, want to do better, but won't read to improve.  I myself would sometimes fall into that category.  We just think we know what to do.  We know best.  We don't need someone to hold our hand.  Pastors can be particularly guilty of this because they feel called or they feel that God leads them.  No outside help is needed.  Even when they see that they are failing, they often will not seek to change.  We are all just creatures of habit.

So I appeal again to myself and to anyone who reads this... Read things from time to time.  Listen to a pod cast.  Come to believe that others can help you and actively try to glean lessons from them.

Most of my aha moments came from the work of others.  I should be reading more.  We are never to old to grow.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
Send replies to jsbrink57@gmail.com

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