Friday, February 5, 2021

It's not just the food

On Monday when Dick and I were taking sandwiches to the homeless, I realized something.  The sandwich, chips, tangerine and bottle of water do not tell the full story of what is happening.  Yes, the folks are very appreciative of us bringing them food, but there is something else going on that is very important too.  It may actually be the most important aspect of the delivery.

We are telling them that they are valuable.  We are telling them that they matter.  We don't actually say the words of course, but our actions and our kindness to them are letting them know that they are valuable humans.

I believe that in this world, everyone wants to feel that they are valuable.  Everyone wants to know that they matter.  Especially the homeless, who have been devalued by so many for so long.  They need to hear it, they need to feel it.

You matter.  You are valuable.

Who can you express this to today?

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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