Monday, August 23, 2010

we have enough room

I heard it the other day. Why build? We have enough room for us.

Please stop and think of what that sounds like and what that means.

If the people at Woods Chapel had said that in 1998, there would still only be 250 people in attendance. Everyone else that has joined since then would not even be here at the church.

When we join the church, we pledge to support it by our "prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness." What is our witness to the community if we stop making room for others? We have enough for us. That is all that matters.

When churches decide that they have arrived, they begin the process of dying. People with vision leave. People that want the church to reach out and touch the world, they leave. The church becomes a place that is turned in on itself, where everything is measured by "if it is good for us."

There are lots of churches like this around. Let us pray that our church does not become one. It is a very difficult place to come back from.

Jesus still calls us to reach the community with his love. There are lots of unchurched people in our neighborhoods. There is still this thing called the great commission. Let us draw together in pursuit of God's purpose for our church.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

Amen! Well said.

Anonymous said...

I am personally so very thankful the group decided in 1998 to make room for others . I came after that and would hate to think that I had not be afforded the privilege of being part of this wonderful church. Even though I am "comfortable" with the way it is now, I know that we have to move on and make room for those yet to come.