Sunday, December 19, 2010

Africa 12

I don't know that I have anything more to say about my trip to Africa at this time. I wish I were going back, but I am not sure of what exactly the purpose would be. Maybe there doesn't need to be one other than fellowship and sharing.

My heart is with the many new Friends that I made and I think of them and pray for them daily. My trip has disturbed the quiet nonchalance of my suburban American life. I suppose that that is good, although it is not a very comforting place for my brain to be.

If you have questions about Africa, I will try to answer them. Just let me know. I will also be hosting a report some night after the first of the year with the others that went on the trip. This will be for anyone in the congregation that wants to hear more.

As I think about the Advent Conspiracy, water for those who have not, the hole in the gospel book and my Africa trip, I wonder if there is some connection.

Today is church, and I will look forward to seeing all of you, my lovely friends in worship. God is good.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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