Thursday, December 23, 2010

thoughts on being sick

Well, I hope I can stop coughing before Christmas eve. This cold has been hanging on for a long time. You sleep for a few hours and then wake up and cough for an hour. This is a fairly nasty strain of junk that is going around right now. I hope that you don't get it.

The good news is that this is a temporary illness. I plan to get better. Another benefit of a cold is that it tends to slow you down so that you live life at a pace that is more normal. Being sick also makes you appreciate feeling well.

So, there is always a little bit of good in whatever the circumstances. Cold, nasty, winter day, awake at 240am, and I am still struggling with this cold. But...........

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

I've been struggling with the same crap. For two weeks. Just when I thought I was coming out of it yesterday, I'm feeling the symptoms of a revisit. I know this is why you didn't "shake hands" after services on Sunday. But I was disappointed. I had a cough drop for you. :) Hope you are well soon and that these are our biggest troubles in 2011.

Sharon said...

I am so sorry that you're not feeling well. I hope you have gone to a doctor. I had something like you're talking about last year and was able to get a precription for a very good cough syrup. One dose was all it took when I got into one of those coughing fits.

And you're right--feeling bad sure makes you appreciate how wonderful it is when you feel good.

I'll be praying that you get over this real soon and are able to enjoy the Christmas celebrations.

Anonymous said...

Hoping you feel better soon!


DadsTwitchings said...

Hope that you get to feeling better. Enjoy Christmas with the family by sitting down and letting them take care of you!