Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Africa 14

So, yesterday I mentioned that Americans do not get it. I want to be clear, I put myself smack in the middle of those who do not get it. I see in myself as much Americanism as I see in anyone. How I wish for a heart that only saw the world as God sees the world.

I am not ahead of anyone. I am behind most of you. But together, as we ask the questions, and are honest with ourselves, we can move into a relationship with the rest of the world that is more aware and more just.

Thank you for going on this journey with me. Is there anybody out there that wants to go to Africa in 2011? Guatemala? Jamaica?

Seeing is believing.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

Yes! I've never been on a mission trip and have always wanted to go. Each year I tell myself that this is the year I will accomplish it, but so far, no. Here's hoping I accomplish it this year.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I would love to go again and the idea constantly tugs at my heart strings. That is probably the case for many that have ever been to Africa and witnessed the vast difference between life there and life in the blessed US.