Wednesday, March 6, 2013

a new thought

I had a new thought the other day.  It goes like this........ "some of what I have been doing is insulting to life."

Wow.  I never thought of some of my behaviors in this manner.  But, I love life and I love the idea of life.  I love the joy of life, the miracle of it and the dance of it's challenges.  Some of what I have been doing is insulting to life.

I may just change some of those behaviors.  Life is short.  Life is good.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such an interesting thought. This is not asking you to share your own particular behaviors that come off as an insult to life. But what kinds of things could any of us be doing that would be insulting to life. Are we insulting the gift of life?

So is it worry, or failure to appreciated the simple things of life, or is it not taking care of our bodies, or is it not guarding our thoughts? Is it getting stuck in routine and not breaking out?

Would love to hear you elaborate on this just a bit.