Saturday, March 9, 2013


I graduated high school in 1975.  I still remember the words in a graduation card from my Aunt Jewel, "wisdom is it's own reward."

It reminds me of the words of Jesus in Luke 7, "wisdom is proved right by her actions."

To me this means, that when you are doing the right things, you know it in your heart.  And when you are doing the wrong things, you know that too.  People can eventually tell who is behaving with character, class and wisdom.  All things become apparent in time.

And so, if you can help me be a better person or pastor, I welcome your words.  At the end of the day, I want to place my head on the pillow and know that I have done my very best, that I have challenged my own foolishness and sought to be the person that God calls me to be.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff,

I see you are getting into writing daily in your blog again. I'm glad, but please don't get burdened or stressed over it. You don't need to blog daily.

I don't know what the "unkind exert in a book" you were writing about but that's unfortunate. So many people seem to write about things with which they have very little understanding or experience.

A friend recently put a mathematical equation on facebook that said.

1/2 truth + 1/2 truth = 1 lie

My former pastor wrote an article which was published in a "church" magazine about the wonderful ways his congregation was "serving the needy". It was so full of carefully selected half truths that while it sounded great was really a big lie. It was quite amazing how he twisted the truth to make "His" leadership sound "Christ-like". I think the word is "self-serving". I'm glad you aren't like that Jeff.

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Well friend, I'm afraid we owe Jeff a few when it comes to who helps whom become a better person.

For those of us who benefit from your preaching and teaching, week in and week out, Jeff is the one who has, many times over, helped us become a better person.

Appreciating your wisdom, as usual.