Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Simon Sinek in his book, Leaders Eat Last says that abundance destroys value.

If you only have one apple to eat all day, and that is it, you savor that apple.  You cut it into small bites.  You spread it out.  You protect it.  You enjoy it.  You thank God for it.  You hope that tomorrow there is another apple.

But if you inherit an apple orchard, your house is full of apples.  There are so many that they cannot be harvested quickly enough.  Some of them rot on the ground.  You may even grow sick of the sweet taste of an apple.

And so when we have too much of anything, we lose an appreciation for it.   Abundance destroys value.  We waste time, money and food because we think we have too much of it.  Our lives begin to take on the characteristics of blind consumers, upset that we cannot get more.

Waste is still wrong.  I remember a saying from my hippie youth "live simply so that others may simply live."  We can probably give much of what we have to the needy, and still have plenty ourselves.  Wouldn't that be better than wasting it?

What seems like one apple among a million to you, may be the only apple that someone else is going to receive today.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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