Wednesday, September 9, 2015

rule three

Rule three- stay in love with God.

Oh how important this is and how difficult.  First let us recognize that how we feel about love is very interesting.  If you have been married to a person for a long time, you will notice that love evolves.  I remember the first time I saw my wife, my heart jumped a mile.  The early years are intense and passionate.  Then you start to get to know each other and become a part of each other's lives.  It feels different, but you still love them.  Later, the relationship feel like an old shoe.  It feels differently but you can't imagine life with out them.

Some Christians, get freaked out a few years after an awakening.  They think that their faith is starting to wane.  They don't feel the same.  And sometimes they go off looking for that intense, passionate feeling that they had at the beginning.  They have failed to recognize that God is simply becoming a part of their every day lives.

How can we stay in love with God?  Read the Bible.  Subscribe to daily devotionals.  Attend a Bible study.  Have a friend that you can talk about spiritual things with.  Mostly, stay in love with God by talking to him.  I don't mean ask him for things.  I mean the kind of prayer where we are just spending time together. Start saying thank you to God for everything that you see.  Start asking God to show you people that you can help.  Get into the practice of enjoying giving yourself to him.  Stay in love with God.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

This is the best explanation of "stay in love with God" I've ever read. Thank you for letting God speak through you.

Anonymous said...

Great analogy.