Sunday, September 27, 2015

Your comfort zone

Your comfort zone-  it's what were familiar with,  it's what were comfortable with. It's also the place where God may visit to console us but it is not the place where God normally lives. Think of the God who brooded over creation. Think of the God who called Saul, a murderer of Christians to be a leader of the church!  Think of Moses hearing God in the burning bush.  On and on the stories of call could go.

 If we would find God's purpose and God's will in this life we must we must be willing to travel to the edge of our comfort zone. There we are met by the Holy Spirit who takes us and lifts us up and leads us into God's plan and God's preferred future. If we are never outside our comfort zone then what we do is within our own parameters in our own strength.  God's plans for us require his strength and that means we need to put ourselves in positions where we feel weak so that he can be strong.

Never be afraid to step outside your comfort zone it's the most exciting part of living the Christian life!

I hope to see you at church later this morning.

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good

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