Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ron Page

Rev. Ron Page has passed away.  Ron was a friend of mine and served several churches in Missouri.  I knew him the best when he served in Lexington.

I want to honor Ron's life.  I loved him.  One Sunday when I was in a very low spot in my life, Bruce Letner and I happened into the Lexington church for Sunday services.  We had been on a camping trip and were sunburned and late to the service.  Ron's sermon was exactly what I needed to hear and it helped me to turn a corner in my life.  I will never forget that day, that sermon and that man.

Thank you Ron for the gift of your life.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Unknown said...

That was the Best motorcycle trip ever! Thank you for the memory!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you will miss your friend. My guess is that you had a conversation with him about what he meant to you, and that honored his life while he was here.

To honor your life, I want you to know that many many times your sermons turn the corner in my life ... in my week ... in my day. I am grateful they are online and I can "go back" and listen/watch again. Your sermons help me understand the Bible and help me feel more empathetic, which makes me more understanding, able to love better, and, simply, a better person. Thank you.