Sunday, March 24, 2019

Closer to God Part 1

Someone asked about being closer to God.  Maybe they are feeling farther away than they used to feel. 

There is an old saying, "If you are feeling farther away from God, guess who moved."  I categorically reject this old saying.  It does nothing but instill guilt in people.  The fact is, there are many reasons why a person might feel farther away from God.

Lets start with the fact that relationships change over time.  Consider dating.... oh, the initial excitement, oh the passion, oh the looking forward to being together.  Then little by little, over time, there is a getting used to, a normalization of, a savoring of.  Things change.  We probably won't always feel the ecstasy that we once did.  That is ok.

Let me ask you this... do you believe in God?  Are you sincere?  Then maybe things are ok after all.  Wake up and thank God for the day.  Live a life of love.  You are not always going to feel the way you felt in the beginning.  It's ok to be in a normal, ongoing, common friendship with God.

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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I am leading some trips this year and next. If you are interested in reading about them, or joining in, the links are below.....

Paris-Normandy River Cruise
October 23-31, 2019

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