Thursday, May 30, 2024

For a cookie???

So I was staying at a cheap hotel in Niagara Falls. Out on a job with the contracting company. No breakfast at this hotel, and no coffee for that matter, so I go to Dunkin Donuts across the street to get a cup of coffee.

While I am waiting for my coffee, I notice that there are some cookies for sale here next to the register.


Why is Dunkin’ Donuts selling cookies? Do people eat cookies in the morning? And why in the world would a cookie cost $3.49???  Heck for $3.49 I expect a dozen cookies.  And look, they have covered the original price on the box. Evidently there’s been some inflation - I wonder what they used to cost? And do people actually buy them?  How long have they been on the counter for sale?  What is their half-life?

That reminds me of a joke.

When I was a kid you could get air for your tires at the gas station for free. Now when you go to get air at the gas station, it cost a dollar. Do you know why?


Yes I know that inflation is real now.  $3.49 for a cookie?  When my dad was a kid, he asked his dad, my grandpa, about the cost of things and what we would do if bread got to a dollar a loaf.  As the story goes, grandpa said, if bread gets to $1 a loaf, we will still buy bread.

What does this story from my father mean? It means that sometimes, times are tough. Sometimes gas is up. Sometimes food prices are up.

We can cry and moan and blame this politician or that one. But during our life time, prices are going to be going up. It is a fact.

I encourage people to fight inflation by working a side job. Finding a side gig. Cutting expenses. Going out to eat less.  Finding ways to be more frugal.  Those who want to figure it out, will figure it out. We will still buy bread.

The story also means, don't worry... we will still  have bread.

Wow that blog went from fun to serious real quick.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.  And stay out of debt and look for ways to save.  And give all you can to bless others while we are at it.

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