Friday, May 3, 2024

things to be thankful for

I was watching a war movie the other night.  It struck me how terrible it must be to aim a rifle and put another human being in your sights.

I am thankful that I have never had to do that.  I am thankful that I never wanted to do that.

I am also for ten other random things...

I am not sick, nor have I been for a while.

I have clothes on my back.

My son is doing better.

In my recent physical exams, I have been given memory evaluations, and have passed with flying colors.

I am thankful for healthy children.

I am thankful for cars that start.

I am thankful for the gift of work, of labor.

I am thankful that I woke up this morning.

Surely there is something in each person's life that they can be thankful for.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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