Wednesday, May 29, 2024


I recently heard and listened to a song entitled "Recover." It is by a person named Forest Clay. Here are the lyrics...

Deconstructed these walls and I found a business
Where the company line was the only way to get paid
We built a church on certainty that fears everything against it
Where the refugee suffers and the white man has it made

I won’t do it anymore - it’s taken me too long to recover
I’ll go feed the sick and poor and try to help the world to recover

I sat myself in your pews every single week
And I gave you my money so that you would tell mе what to think
And I learned from a book that you had taken thе heart out of
And that’s how I learned to make exclusion look like love

I won’t do it anymore it’s taken me too long to recover
I’ll go feed the sick and poor and try to help the world to recover

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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