Sunday, May 26, 2024

Hell pt. 3

Do we seriously believe in hell?  If we really believe in hell, then we must change our lives immediately.  There is no time for vacations, no time for movies and no time to waste.  Pickleball is definitely out.

Every step of our life, every waking moment must be spent trying to save people from an eternal torture.

That is how people who are serious about believing in hell would act.  They also would be deathly afraid to have any children.  What if one of the children did not believe it right?  Then I brought a child into the world, and though I loved them, they may now be doomed to eternal torture.

But personally, me, I, Jeff, I don't believe this anymore.  I am done believing that God wants to torture people for eternity who just barely missed it.  

And so for me, it is a beautiful day in a world in which God loves all of us and we have a chance in this life to see and celebrate the good.

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